2012年9月4日 星期二

淺析HKDSE Practice Paper Listening Short Task Part One


以下內容是根據2012年1 月的Practice Paper 3分析,希望同學能夠先做畢才看本文,以便測試自己的水平,收到更大學習效果,因為若看了本文就會知道部份題目的答案,當再做Practice Paper難免不能準確地反映水準了。

HKDSE listening的題型可說是新制會考(自2007年起)和高考的混合體,當然也加了一些新的題型,請參考下面的表:

Question Types HKCEE/HKAL/NEW Part of the Practice Paper
1. Table/Form-filling HKCE+HKAL Task 1
2.Flow chart 流程表 HKAL Task 3
3.Tick the correct answer HKAL
亦有True or False
Task 4
4.Distinguishing tones
HKAL Task 4
5.Writing part of sentence
HKAL Task 2 second last question較難
6.Fill in the blanks (one word) HKAL Task 4 second last question
7. Summarizing conversations
NEW Task 4 last question

就難度而言,考評局在學生表現報告裡寫明Task One至Task Four是越來越難,即是Task One最淺而Task Four最難。故此,考生在四個Tasks的平均分分別是64.57%,54.62%,44.30% 及 30.61%。



Task One

1. Project Deadline的問題其實是有心用兩個數字去混餚考生視聽,因為Sam共講了兩個日期,一些能力較差的同學便會選聽到的第一個(Meet Mr. Johnson)而失分。不過,這條其實失分的同學應該不多。

2.最Confusing應該是library search: school library/central library那部分了。

因為Sam在說school library時不知不覺間跳到central library,最後由Aaron提起才回到school library。請細讀下面摘錄的講稿:Underline是用來顯示上述的轉折位,粗體字是用來顯示答案的出處,括號則是我的解釋。

Sam: How about we go together to the school library sometime next week.

Aaron: Yeah, alright. Yeah.

Sam: How about next Tuesday after school?

Aaron: Oh, I can’t next Tuesday, I’ve got that choir practice.

Sam: Oh.

Aaron: Yeah. Well…but you could maybe take George. Or Lucy maybe.

Sam: Yeah, what I was thinking was, you know how George lives really near the Central Library?

Aaron: Yeah.

Sam: Well, he could go there – to Central Library at the weekend. No problem. And that would take him – what – four hours or something like that.

Aaron: Yeah good idea. We can put down four hours for George in the Central Library (repeat what Sam just said) but what’s that got to do with the school library?

Sam: Well, George would be the best person to come with me ‘cause (because縮寫) he’d (would縮寫) know what he’s (has縮寫) found at the Central Library already.
(這裡是間接說明George會和Sam到school library,但有些同學不能理解)

Aaron: Oh, OK. What? Instead of me?

Sam: Yeah, exactly. Instead of you on Tuesday. Then you can go to your choir practice. I’ll let George know. There isn’t much in there so I’ll write two hours in the plan then. Fine. Is that it then?

Task Two
1. 和 Task One 那條Project Deadline一樣,在那條BMI figure suggested for obesity by Hong Kong Metropolitan University問題上也是講幾個數字去混餚考生視聽,請細讀下面摘錄的講稿:Underline是用來顯示那些混餚考生的數字,粗體字是用來顯示答案的出處,括號則是我的解釋。
Dr Benko: OK. Generally speaking, healthy people should have a BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9. Anything over that is considered overweight and over 30 is obese. But these figures are now being debated. As I say, the BMI figure normally given for someone being obese is 30, but scientists at Hong Kong Metropolitan University want to change that to 28.5 for people in Hong Kong. (同學要注意:由於題目問的是BMI figure suggested for obesity,所以答案只是要一個數字。)

2. 在那條Four possible effects of obesity的問題上,相信一些同學會聽不到第四點,因為那人在講了頭三個point之後就直接了當講第四個point。雖然她有把第四個point重覆,但她把重點放在句子前面,令考生在聽到句子末段才知自己錯失了重點,攻其不備。請細讀下面摘錄的講稿:

Dr Benko: Well, there are four common effects of obesity. The first is high blood pressure (point one) – the body has to work a lot harder and so the blood pressure goes up. The second also involves the blood as we find that people with obesity have high cholesterol…(point two不少同學因不懂串cholesterol膽固醇而沒有point two的分數)

Interviewer: Yes, there’s a lot more public awareness about levels of cholesterol these

Dr Benko: Yes, the other two are more related to how people feel about themselves, if they’re obese. The first of these is that they can suffer from low self-esteem and that can often lead to depression. (point 3+直接了當講第四個point)

Interviewer: Hmm…the last one – that obesity leads to depression (point 4 repeat) certainly reflects my own experience growing up. I’m sure we all remember how the overweight kids at school were laughed at by their classmates. It is very easy to imagine.
(凡做以上列點式答案,應注意聆聽連接詞(conjunctions),例如上述的the first, the second, the first of these, the last one. 這樣同學就能知道自己在答第幾個point了。)

3. 接著那條 “Obesity in childhood leads to_________________” 屬於續寫句子的題目,根據考評局報告這是大部分考生失分的地方。這題目難的地方是考生不知道lead to的句子結構。Lead to普遍是跟名詞 ,例如:Drug abuse can lead to health problems, even death.


Research has shown there’s a greater chance that obesity in childhood will last a lifetime. (小心!Underline部分是刻意分散同學的注意而錯失之後的重點) and be a problem in later life (這是一個名詞短語 noun phrase,故此是答案。). So it’s very important that we deal with it at an early age before it becomes a life-long problem(亦是noun phrase,是第二個可以接受的答案。.(注意:兩個答案選一個就可以了。另外,noun phrase是由兩個或以上的noun組成。)
