2013年2月26日 星期二

短語動詞 Phrasal Verbs (一) Bring about & Stand by

不久前寫了幾篇英文生字隨口噏,介紹了一些生字。今次我們打算為大家介紹短語動詞(phrasal verb)。短語動詞是指一個動詞需要附帶著介詞(preposition),才可以獲得某些特定意思。短語動詞不易學,因為我們不能單從字面意思來得知其真實意思。很多時,我們都要靠上文下理來推測它們的意思,又或者要翻查字典。

今日想為大家介紹兩個常見的短語動詞:bring aboutstand by。大家知道它們的意思嗎﹖猜不到的,可以先看看以下的例句:


Example One: Many voters hope that election of the new government will bring about changes.

Example Two: We cannot just stand by while our teammates are suffering!

bring about「引起」、「帶來」等等。A brings about B.即是指「A帶來B」或「A引致B」。留意,bring about後面多數是跟名詞短語(noun phrase)

stand by解作袖手旁觀,是不及物動詞(intransitive verb)


Example Three: Many teachers wonder how they can bring about a change in their students’ attitude towards study.

Example Four: The street protest in Cairo finally brought about the downfall of the then President Hosni Mubarak.

Example Five: Tom just stood by while we were under attack.

Example Six: We can't just stand by and watch her die. (adapted from Macmillan Dictionary)


stand by並不只解作袖手旁觀;它還有其他常見的用法。

1. 支持
在這個時候,stand by是及物動詞(transitive verb),後面跟人物。

Example Seven: Tom stood by us when we were under attack.
(Example Five比較,看到分別了嗎﹖)

Example Eight: We knew they would stand by us no matter what we'd done. (adapted from Macmillan Dictionary)

2. 堅持某信念、想法
在這個時候,stand by是及物動詞(transitive verb),後面跟事物。

Example Nine: He stood by Communism all his life.

Example Ten: Fanny stood by her claim that she was right.

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