2013年3月16日 星期六

短語動詞 Phrasal Verbs (二) Bring about & Stand by

上回提到短語動詞(phrasal verb)時,講到「動詞需要附帶著介詞(preposition)」,又介紹了bring aboutstand by。原來有一些短語動詞是可以附帶多過一個的介詞。

今日想為大家介紹兩個短語動詞:get away with以及put up with。大家知道它們的意思嗎﹖猜不到的,可以先看看以下的例句:

Example One: The children broke the windows and couldn't get away with it. They were punished.

Example Two: My neighbor kept singing wildly the whole night. I can’t put up with him anymore!


get away with解作「做了壞事後逃避責任」。get away with後面可以跟名詞短語(noun phrase)

put up with解作「容忍」,後面多數是跟名詞短語,可以是人物或事物。


Example Three: She tried to get away with money laundering (洗黑錢 [n. phr.]), but she was caught at last.

Example Four: The robber got away with stealing some jewels.

Example Five: I cannot put up with that noisy music! Can’t you turn it off?

Example Six: He had put up with his sister for many years.


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