2013年9月16日 星期一

閱讀理解練習-1-Ghost Island



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Ghost Island

[1] An island, called Sandy Island, is supposed to lie somewhere on the South Pacific Ocean, between Australia and New Caledonia. When a group of scientists went there for conducting a scientific research expedition, they found it gone.

[2] Does that island exist? Can it be a ghostly place cursed by the devils? “It doesn’t sound rational,” you think, and then you suggest a possible reason for its mysterious disappearance, “It may have sunk.”

[3] No, it has not sunk. According to the BBC News, the scientists reported that the navigation charts on board showed the water was 1,400m deep. Nothing shaped like an island is found underwater in that area.

[4] So, what happens to the island? Is it really a phantom island? Well, the truth is that Sandy Island never exists, which however doesn’t justify the claim that this island is cursed. The Australian Naval Maps Department believes that human error results in the presence of Sandy Island in the maps.

[5] They say that maps are based on numerous sources before being drawn. As the proverb goes, “To err is a man”. Probably, in the late 18th century, a certain British navigator, James Cook, thought that Sandy Island exits. He drew it in his map. Such idea was then passed on to many other people of different nationalities like French and German. 

[6] Many years later, a standard map produced by The Australian Naval Maps Department includes this island. Other publishers and organizations then copy these maps. All the while none questions the details because the authority has been involved in map production – “How can the government get it wrong?” or “How can an expert be wrong?”

[7] Even Google has been “fooled”. One may find Sandy Island in Google Earth. A spokesman for this well-known organization asked users to report any of their mistakes, so they can edit the map.

[8] Sometimes, maps are being changed because of other reasons. Every year, some islands do sunk; some are also swallowed by the rising sea level due to the adverse effect of global warming. Cities which are founded on these doomed islands will inevitably become ghost cities. 


  1. What does “It” in paragraph 2 refers to?


  1. What does “it” in paragraph 3 refers to?

  1. What does the term “phantom island” means?

  1. In which of the areas, A, B, C or D, was Sandy Island supposed to be? Circle the correct answer.

  1. According to the passage, many maps in the past showed the presence of Sandy Island. Some of these maps came from _______________, France and _______________.

  1. ABE Map Printing Company needs to edit their maps. They explain to their clients that _________________________ leads to such mistake. They draw the maps based on the standard maps produced by the _____________________________________ ____________________.

  1. What does “they” in paragraph 7 refers to?

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