2012年10月6日 星期六

Sample Essay One:Can Internet Replace Traditional Schools and Teachers? (AL2002Q2)

Have you met the following problems when writing?

1.          I simply have no ideas AT ALL!
2.          Have a little bit of ideas but don’t know how to organize.
3.          I always use the same old set of words and sentence structures.
4.          I think I have written pretty well but can’t get high marks.

This set of sample essays are specially designed in order to help students

1.          Outline necessary ideas for a good essay
2.          Develop critical thinking for different types of questions
3.          Learn good writings styles from a COMPLETE SAMPLE
4.          Learn USEFUL vocabulary and sentence structures
5.          Consolidate what they have learnt by exercises

This set of essay is for SELF-LEARNING but not COMMERCIAL purpose.No unauthorized sale is allowed.Your feedback to our essay set is most encouraged. Do send your comments to us at autodidactkc2012@gmail.com. Click the link to download now.

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