2012年6月23日 星期六

人生是彩色的面紗——The Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham (Part Two)

Supercilious; a wet blanket
Kitty不喜歡Walter,是因為他孤傲不群,和她格格不入。下面的獨白反映了Kitty Walter厭惡
“He was dull. Oh, how he’d bored her, bored her! He thought himself so much better than anyone else, it was laughable (adj.可笑的); he had no sense of humour (adj.幽默感); she hated his supercilious air, his coldness, and his self-control…He was repulsive (adj.令人厭惡的) to her…he was a wet blanket at a party…” (Chapter 17)

Supercilious是形容詞,指高傲的,跟arrogant一樣意思。A wet blanket是指令人掃興的東西。“He was a wet blanket at a party.” 是指他在派對上是個令人掃興的傢伙。至於“令人掃興”若用動詞表達,英語可用 to dampen one’s enthusiasm. Damp是形容詞,解著濕,和wet一樣。

愛情的魔力—at the height of her glowing loveliness
相反,當KittyCharles一起後,她整個人也變得容光煥發,變得年輕起來Chapter 16第一段中作者就用了不少筆墨描寫Kitty的美態,十分精彩。

“Her happiness, sometimes almost more than she could bear, renewed her beauty. Just before she married, beginning to lose her first freshness, she had looked tired and drawn (adj.憔悴的). The uncharitable said that she was going off…She was like a rosebud that is beginning to turn yellow at the edges of the petals, and then suddenly she was a rose in full bloom. Her starry eyes gained a more significant expression , her skin (that feature which had always been her greatest pride and most anxious care) was dazzling; it could be not be compared to the peach and the flower; it was they that demanded comparison with it. She looked eighteen once more. She was at the height of her glowing loveliness. It was impossible not to remark it and her women friends asked her in little friendly asides (n.小聲說的話) if she was going to have a baby. The indifferent who had said she was just a very pretty woman with a long nose admitted that they had misjudged her. She was what Charlie had called her the first time he saw her, a raging beauty.”




第一就是the + adjective 可以用來表達某一種人。例如 The uncharitable 是解作那些刻薄的人,即 the uncharitable people 的意思;The indifferent是解作那些冷漠的人,即the uncharitable people 的意思。平時我們寫作時也可以用這樣的寫法,例如用 the poor 代替 the people who are poor.

第二就是形容人的美貌是有不同的說法(參考紫色部分首先starry是形容詞,意思是滿佈星星,亦可解作閃閃發光的,明亮的。形容一雙明目可以用 ‘starry eyes’

其次,dazzling 是指耀眼奪目的,艷麗的。例如一個艷麗的少婦可以稱a dazzling young woman,耀眼的光可以稱a dazzling lightGlowing有色彩奪目的意思,和dazzling相近。

至於raging 本是指狂暴的,盛怒的,劇烈的。例如狂風可以稱raging storm,劇烈的通脹可以稱raging inflationraging作口語也可解作非凡的,卓越的,例如上文的raging beauty便解作絕色美人。


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